Crape Murder

Is it Crape Myrtle and Crepe Myrtle?

Interestingly, it depends on who you ask! Both are correct and pronounced the same, however the one most widely used in America and by The American Horticulture Society is “Crape Myrtle”. The Spelling “Crepe Myrtle” is most commonly used in Europe, however here in the South, as you know, we like to do things differently than the rest of the United States. “Crepe Myrtle” has a long heritage of use in the South and is still used more often than its rival spelling. So, which spelling should you use?  Whichever one feels right for you!

In most municipalities development of Architecture is required to have some trees, shrubs and ‘green’ areas [limited lot coverage], so we must address needed variety of living landscapes. This requires Irrigation and often a landscape Architect consultation and documentation of the various elements of the design. Hopefully you will read more from a professional Arborist that I have come to trust: The beginning of the article is and excerpt from:

Read the complete article if you are concerned about the health of your Crape Myrtles!


Managing Expectations